Five HVAC Trends To Watch For In 2020

Five HVAC Trends To Watch For In 2020

Heating and cooling systems have made huge advancements in the last decade, but where will they be in 2020 and further into the future? It’s good for both contractors and homeowners to be aware of where the industry is heading because they can adapt their services and homes to the changes.


Even Smarter Thermostats

A growing number of household goods are enabled with WiFi, making them “smart appliances”: televisions, refrigerators, blenders… and thermostats. It’s called the Internet of Things, and it helps these appliances provide more services and adapt efficiently to changing patterns. Smart thermostats are great for saving energy, and while the addition of WiFi happened some time ago, they are going to be able to connect to the rest of the appliances in the home. Google Home

This is because many people are moving their homes towards smart integration, meaning a system that connects everything. Alexa and Google Home run everything with a simple command. Another popular device is the Nest Thermostat, which is a thermostat with improved usability for those who love technology.


Going Green, But Not Only For The Environment! 

More and more consumers have concerns about the environmental impact of the products they buy. With rising carbon levels, this makes sense, but it also means consumers will pay more for systems that are more environmentally-friendly than other options. They see that a higher upfront cost can not only reduce emissions but also reduce what they pay for heating and cooling over time.


Ductless Systems

A lot of commercial and residential buildings are going ductless, and it will only get bigger in 2020. A ductless air conditioner or heat pump will consist of a wall-mounted indoor unit and an outside compressor. It’s most often used in newer homes or addition, where a window A/C unit or baseboard heating is preferable to expanding the existing HVAC into new rooms.

An HVAC system without ducts can be preferable for several reasons: they don’t need a lot of work to install – the contractor has to drill a very small hole into the wall – and many ductless systems are less vulnerable to leakage. They can be quieter and more energy efficient with less visible hardware, too. The up-front costs, maintenance, and appearance of what is visible can turn off some homeowners.


Total Facility Automation

Owners of large buildings and complex facilities are always looking to improve their efficiency. This means that the automation of an entire building’s HVAC system is going to become more popular in the next decade. Owners or managers will be able to see controls, reporting methodologies, and management become automated, all to provide greater efficiency, reduce operating costs, and improve comfort. Larger systems require more expertise to install and maintain, but this leads to the final trend we can expect.


Big Changes… For Us

New advances in technology mean one thing: new training. We’re up to the task, as demands for HVAC equipment are only growing. With this growth comes a need for a wide variety of skills and new equipment. Our team needs to know where the market is heading, how the tools change, and what to recommend for every type of building. 


But hey – innovation made HVAC what it is today! With smart technology, the green sector, and larger systems, the HVAC market will have an interesting decade ahead.


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