
Showing posts from May, 2018

Easy Air Conditioner Savings For The Summer

A super-high hydro bill is almost as seasonal as swimsuits and winter sweaters. You’ve almost come to expect it, so when the temperature soars outside, you make sure it plunges inside and take the hit when the money’s due. It really doesn’t have to be this way, though, and the small changes you make this summer will guarantee air conditioner savings! Check The Thermostat Location While you might not think twice about where your thermostat is set, it can really make a huge difference in how it reads the temperature of the air in your home. This is because the thermostat registers the temperature around the wall on which it’s placed, not the air in the middle of the room you’re currently sitting in! Rather inconvenient, but here we are. You’ll want the thermostat on a central wall in your home. Keep it away from drafts, doorways that lead to the outdoors, direct sunlight, skylights, and furniture, all of which can influence the temperature around the thermostat These can all activat