
Showing posts from July, 2019

How And When To Change Thermostat Batteries

If your heating and cooling just isn’t turning on, a good place to start troubleshooting is with the batteries. Batteries are important for the thermostat, especially newer “smart” models, because when they go out, the thermostat might not be able to gauge what the temperature is, so it can’t send signals to the HVAC system. This prevents it from kicking the system into gear when your home gets either too hot or too cold  Batteries are even necessary for thermostats hooked up to the electrical, because they help to keep thermostat settings in place when the power goes out. When the settings are lost in an outage, the thermostat will probably need to be reprogrammed. So how do you know when the batteries need changing? How Do I Know If My Batteries Are Low Or Dead? The most obvious sign that you need to change your thermostat batteries is when the thermostat literally tells you the batteries are about to die! Most programmable models will now flash a low battery warning, usually abo

Changing Your Furnace Filter In Summer To Prevent Issues

Many HVAC issues, regardless of whether you’re using the heating or air conditioning, start with clogged air filters. When too much dust and debris gets sucked into your system and accumulates in the filter, it can severely restrict the system’s ability to force air through it, meaning your system has to work a lot harder to achieve the same results.    This often means it takes more energy for your system to do its basic cooling job when the temperatures start soaring. Changing your furnace filter in the summer can prevent overworking, and many other problems, too.  How Your HVAC Works The most common heating and air conditioning system is called the forced-air system. This uses a heat exchanger to heat or cool incoming air (it does both, don’t be put off by the name) before the air handler forces it out with a fan through your entire home via the supply system of ducts that snake their way through your home. As the cooled air flows throughout your home, the fan of the HVAC uni