
Showing posts from December, 2019

Is A Two-Stage Furnace Worth The Money?

Consumers sometimes ask about whether two-stage furnaces are worth the extra expense. It depends on your situation as one heating solution doesn’t fit every home. It helps to know what separates a two-stage system from the more common one-stage furnaces!   What Is A Two-Stage Furnace? The terms one-stage and two-stage furnace refer to the burner section inside the furnace and the valve that releases propane or natural gas to it. Average one-stage furnaces have a valve that only opens and closes, whereas two-stage heating has one more valve setting. It’s commonly called low fire, and the furnace starts in this first stage and runs at 70 or 80% of the full rated capacity.  The furnace will then enter the second stage, also known as high fire, only when needed. It determines whether to enter the second stage based on the time the furnace has been operating or if the thermostat indicates that it has to raise the temperature more than two degrees. So if you have a two-stage furna

How Can I Lower My Heating Bills This Winter?

Winter weather means HVAC systems across London run longer hours to provide warm relief on the coldest days. This means that higher heating bills are inevitable. Don’t let paying more money be the reason for the season – follow these tips to slash your costs and save money this winter!   Program Your Thermostat Keep your thermostat on a tight schedule that revolves around when you’re in and out of the home. Set the temperature to 20°C (68°F) when you’re at home and 17°C (63°F) when out or asleep. If your family can’t handle the shock, gradually reduce the temperature over the winter to see how much you can lower it while staying comfortable. This is easy when you have a smart or programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat lets homeowners schedule their heating to run only when it’s necessary. A smart thermostat hooks up to your wifi and gives homeowners even more energy-saving options. They can control the HVAC system from anywhere with a smartphone. If you’re still opera